Uniform Requirements:
A list of the uniform items required for each class can be found on tour website shoredance.co.nz/uniforms. Please note that the uniform requirements are compulsory for all students, except for those attending adult classes (no uniform requirements). Adult students attending vocational level ballet classes are required to dress in vocational uniform as this is essential to be able to perform the work correctly at this level.
Jazz Shoes – Intro Level 2 upwards:
Many of our younger jazz students in particular are attending class in bare feet. Please ensure they are wearing the correct jazz shoes to jazz class from the start of term 2 so they are able to perform the work correctly and safely.
Character Uniforms:
Please note that all students from Grade 1 ballet upwards are now expected to have the correct character shoes and character skirt at every ballet class. This is particularly essential for students who are entering in an exam as they need to be able to practice their character work wearing the correct shoes and skirt.
Pointe Shoes:
We would like all Intermediate Foundation students to please have their pointe shoes in time for the start of Term 2. We recommend visiting either The Dancer’s Wardrobe (319 Remuera Road) or Pure Dance (10 New North Road) to have your pointe shoes professionally fitted.
Uniform Shop:
You can purchase your uniform items from our uniform shop located at the studios. The shop is open during the school terms at the following times:
Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
Wednesdays: 4:30-5:30pm
Fridays 4:15-5:15pm
Saturdays 9-10am (please note change of time)
Alternatively, you can purchase your dancewear online by visiting our online shop www.thedanceshop.co.nz.
Second Hand Uniforms:
We have a Facebook group where you can list second hand uniform items you would like to sell, and purchase second hand uniform items. You can join this group by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/shoredancesecondhanduniforms/
Please ensure that all students have their hair tied up neatly off their face for all dance classes. Ballet students from Primary level upwards are expected to come to every class with their hair in a ballet bun. This is to ensure the students are able to dance properly. |