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Home  /  News   /  Term 2 2018 Newsletter

Term 2 2018 Newsletter


Welcome to Term 2 2018!

We hope you all had a great school holidays! An especially warm welcome to all of our new students joining us this term. We have an exciting term ahead of us as we prepare for our exams which will take place in Term 3. We are also looking forward to the Kairos Dance Convention in July, and our special Mother’s Day week coming up soon! This newsletter contains information all of these events and everything else you need to know about the upcoming term.We hope you have another fantastic term at Shore Dance!

2018 Exam Entries:

Our 2018 RAD ballet and AJDA jazz exam information and entry forms are now available on our website: shoredance.co.nz/exams
Please note that ballet exam entries are open to Pre-Primary and Primary ballet students who have been attending since the start of Term 1 2018, and Grade 1 upwards ballet students who are attending two classes per week.
Jazz exam entries are open to students who have been attending since the start of Term 1 2018, however please note that students from Elementary level 1 upwards must be attending two classes per week if they wish to enter an exam.
Please have a good read through of the information on our website, and let us know if you have any further queries.
Entries close May 12th for ballet exams and June 1st for jazz exams.
Please note that the NZAMD exam entries (tap, contemporary, hip hop) are not due until later in the term so we will be sending this information out in a few weeks time.

Read more about 2018 Exams

RAD Vocational Exams – May Session:
We have five students sitting their vocational exams in the May session this year. All students have their exams scheduled on Sunday 13th of May at the following times:
9:30am: Ella Smith – Intermediate Foundation
10:50am: Isla Story & Catherine Franicevic – Intermediate Foundation
3:10pm: Amber Coates & Abigail McDonald – Advanced Foundation
Please note all students need to be at the Auckland Academy of Dance studios one hour prior to their exam start time to get warmed up, groomed, and ready for their exam.
We wish you all the best of luck!!
Change of Studio – Adv 1 & Inter Found:
To give the exam students the chance to practice in the bigger back studio, we are going to switch the studios around for the first two Thursdays of the term (3rd and 10th of May). So the 7:15pm Intermediate Foundation class will be held in the back studio and the Advanced 1 class will be held in the front studio for these two Thursdays only.

Kairos Dance Convention:

Shore Dance will once again be attending the Kairos Dance Convention and we would love you to come along! This is open to all Shore Dance students aged 7 years and over. It is a 2 day event held at the QBE Stadium in Albany on the 7th-8th July. Students participate in a range of dance classes including jazz, lyrical, hip hop, contemporary, musical theatre, audition technique, body conditioning and more!

We have a Kairos page on our website which includes further information about the dance convention, the different levels, registration form, and a promo video for you to see what it is all about. Registrations close on the 30th of April. (Please note registrations will be accepted after this date, but the fees will be increased) Simply go to shoredance.co.nz/kairos to find out more!

Register for Kairos Now!

Kairos Dance Convention 2018

Mothers Day Week:
After such a fun week celebrating Father’s Day last year, we have decided to celebrate Mother’s Day at Shore Dance with “Bring your Mum to Dance Class” week! You are invited to bring along your Mum (or Grandma, Aunty etc) to join in your dance class with you during the week leading up to Mother’s Day (7th-12th May – second week of Term 2). This is a fun way to celebrate our amazing mothers! We look forward to seeing you all there!

Photographs by Azusa Nakamura from our 2017 Fathers Day week

Easter Dress Up Week:
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Easter Dress Up week in Term 1! A big congratulations to Taylor Fulop who won best dressed, Leah Wood, Nisha Manga and Ella Smith who were runner ups. Also to Grade 5 ballet who won the best dressed class. Well done!

Watching Week:
For the last week of Term 2 (2nd-7th of July) we would like to invite parents and family members to come along and watch your child’s class. We thought this would be a great way for you to see the progress they have made throughout the term, and also give the students the chance to perform to an audience – particularly for those who will be about to sit their exams.

Resource Consent Application Process:
As many of you will know, we are currently in the process of applying for resource consent to continue our dance school at it’s current location, after a neighbour complained to the Auckland Council. I would like to begin by thanking you all for the amazing support you have all provided throughout this process. So many people have come forward with useful contacts, information, advice and words of support which have been so helpful.
We have just received our supportive traffic assessment and our planner is now working on our application. The initial complaint was about child safety on the roads outside our studios and also parking issues. I need to emphasise the importance of people not parking or pulling there car into the space in front of the garage door, both in front of our studio and also the neighbouring property. As part of our resource consent application process, I have created a traffic management plan which will be sent to all parents/caregivers as new students enrol. Please take the time to read this document by clicking on the button below:

Read Traffic Management Plan

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday:
Monday 4th of June is Queen’s Birthday public holiday so there will be no classes held on this date. You are welcome to attend a different class this week to make up for this.

Private Lessons:
If you would like to book a private lesson with one of our teachers, please email us to arrange this: contact@shoredance.co.nz. Private lessons cost $30.00 per half hour lesson and are open to all students. Please note private lesson times are subject to studio space and staff availability.

Special Offer – Private Lessons with Miss Stephanie:
Miss Stephanie has two time slots available on Wednesdays 6:15-7:15pm and Thursdays 3:15-4:15pm. If you pre-book any lessons within these time slots for Term 2, you will receive $5 discount off your private lesson cost (or $10 if it is for an hour). Please note these discounts only apply if you pre-book your lesson by the 12th of May. Take advantage of this great deal and get your private lessons booked in today by emailing contact@shoredance.co.nz.

End of Year Shows:
We are very excited to have booked a brand new venue for our shows this year. We will be using the Kaipatiki Theatre at Glenfield College which is a fabulous venue and much closer to home for many of our students. Our shows will be held on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of December so please make sure to put these dates in your diary!

Term Fees:

You should have received an invoice for your term fees via email (please let us know if you have not received this). Please make sure that you have paid your fees within the first two weeks of the term (by the 24th of February at the very latest). Our account details are: Shore Dance / 38-9008-0704687-00 / Kiwibank. Please make sure you write your child’s name as the reference when making online payments. Any cheques or cash payments must be given to your teacher in a named envelope. Please note that you will receive a separate invoice later in the term for your show costume hire fee.

Watching Classes:

Due to limited space, we do not allow family members to watch classes from inside the studios. You may watch through the windows from the waiting room at our Enterprise Street studios, however we do ask that you please keep noise levels to a minimum as this can be very distracting for our students. At the All Saints Hall we have a waiting room also where we ask students and family members to wait while classes are on, as there is not enough room in the hall for family members to sit and watch. Please note we do have a special watching week for the last week of Term 2 (see notice above).

Free Kangatraining Trial classes are being held on Monday 30th April (10:30am) and Wednesday 2nd May (11:00am) at Shore Dance studios, message the facebook page for further information.


TERM 2 2018:
Mon 30th Apr:
Term 2 starts
Sat 12th May: RAD Grade Exam entries close
Sun 13th May: RAD Vocational Exams
Fri 1st June: AJDA Jazz Exam entries close
Mon 4th Jun:
Queens Bday – No Classes on
2nd-7th July: Watching Week
Sat 7th July:
Last day of term 2
7th-8th Jul: Kairos Dance Convention
16th-20th July:
Exam holiday classes (timetable TBA)

TERM 3 2018:
Mon 23rd July:
Term 3 starts
Between 27th of July & 31st of Aug:
RAD Ballet Exams (Dates TBA by RAD)
Between 1st & 5th of Aug (Dates TBA by AJDA):
AJDA Jazz exams
Between 1st & 23rd of Sep: 
NZAMD Tap and Contemporary Exams (Dates TBA by NZAMD)
Sat 29th of Sep: 
Last day of term 3

TERM 4 2018:
Mon 15th Oct: 
Term 4 starts
7th-9th Dec: End of Year Shows
Sat 15th Dec: 
Last day of term 4


Uniform Requirements:
A list of the uniform items required for each class can be found on tour website shoredance.co.nz/uniforms. Please note that the uniform requirements are compulsory for all students, except for those attending adult classes (no uniform requirements). Adult students attending vocational level ballet classes are required to dress in vocational uniform as this is essential to be able to perform the work correctly at this level.

Jazz Shoes – Intro Level 2 upwards:
Many of our younger jazz students in particular are attending class in bare feet. Please ensure they are wearing the correct jazz shoes to jazz class from the start of term 2 so they are able to perform the work correctly and safely. 

Character Uniforms:
Please note that all students from Grade 1 ballet upwards are now expected to have the correct character shoes and character skirt at every ballet class. This is particularly essential for students who are entering in an exam as they need to be able to practice their character work wearing the correct shoes and skirt.

Pointe Shoes:
We would like all Intermediate Foundation students to please have their pointe shoes in time for the start of Term 2. We recommend visiting either The Dancer’s Wardrobe (319 Remuera Road) or Pure Dance (10 New North Road) to have your pointe shoes professionally fitted.

Uniform Shop:
You can purchase your uniform items from our uniform shop located at the studios. The shop is open during the school terms at the following times:
Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
Wednesdays: 4:30-5:30pm
Fridays 4:15-5:15pm
Saturdays 9-10am (please note change of time)
Alternatively, you can purchase your dancewear online by visiting our online shop www.thedanceshop.co.nz

Second Hand Uniforms:
We have a Facebook group where you can list second hand uniform items you would like to sell, and purchase second hand uniform items. You can join this group by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/shoredancesecondhanduniforms/ 

Please ensure that all students have their hair tied up neatly off their face for all dance classes. Ballet students from Primary level upwards are expected to come to every class with their hair in a ballet bun. This is to ensure the students are able to dance properly.

Social Media

Facebook Group:
We have created a Facebook group for all of our Shore Dance parents/caregivers and students. We have decided to create this as a place we can easily communicate with each other regarding upcoming events, notices, and news. Parents/caregivers can also communicate with one another (i.e. to organise carpooling) and can notify teachers of students absences, plus much more! This will be a closed group so only Shore Dance members can join. To join this group, simply follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/shoredancemembers/ 

Social Media Pages:

To join our Shore Dance Facebook page, simply visit www.facebook.com/shoredance and “like” our page. You can also follow us on instagram: www.instagram. com/shoredance. This is a great way to see what is going on at Shore Dance, and we also run fun competitions and giveaways! If you have any photos of our classes or any events, please send them into us so we can share them with everyone.

Water Bottles:

It is important that students bring a water bottle with them to every class. Teachers will give the students water breaks during their classes to keep them hydrated. We recommend naming your drink bottle incase it is left behind. Please note that no food or sticky drinks are allowed in the studios.


If your child is unable to attend class due to illness or any other reason, please let us know by either emailing contact@shoredance.co.nz or sending us a text message to 027 563 0883. If your child has an injury, they can still come along and watch the classes so they do not miss out on anything, especially those who are sitting exams.


Please ensure that you place all rubbish in the rubbish bins provided. If you have take away coffee cups to dispose of, please can you take them down to the kitchen and empty out any left over liquid into the sink before placing in the rubbish bags. Please push the chairs back up against the wall once you are finished with them, and place books/magazines back on the shelf when you are finished with them. We ask everyone to please respect our studios and waiting areas by keeping them tidy so everyone can enjoy the space.

Copyright © 2018 Shore Dance, All rights reserved.

Contact Details:
Physical Address: 17 Enterprise St, Birkenhead, Auckland 0626
Mailing Address: PO Box 34626, Birkenhead, Auckland 0746
Phone: 027 563 0883

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