Term Fees:
You should have received an invoice for your term fees via email (please let us know if you have not received this). Please make sure that you have paid your fees within the first two weeks of the term (by the 24th of February at the very latest). Our account details are: Shore Dance / 38-9008-0704687-00 / Kiwibank. Please make sure you write your child’s name as the reference when making online payments. Any cheques or cash payments must be given to your teacher in a named envelope. Please note that you will receive a separate invoice later in the term for your show costume hire fee.
Watching Classes:
Due to limited space, we do not allow family members to watch classes from inside the studios. You may watch through the windows from the waiting room at our Enterprise Street studios, however we do ask that you please keep noise levels to a minimum as this can be very distracting for our students. At the All Saints Hall we have a waiting room also where we ask students and family members to wait while classes are on, as there is not enough room in the hall for family members to sit and watch.
Attendance & Absences:
If your child is unable to attend class due to illness or any other reason, please let us know by either emailing contact@shoredance.co.nz or sending us a text message to 027 563 0883. If your child has an injury, they can still come along and watch the classes so they do not miss out on anything.